
Our high qualified Web-designers and Front-end developers are always ready to help you with formation of a new turn-key game project. You can buy our templates in our Templstock, but we can also create for you a new project that includes of a complete drawing of a unique design, under the specifications of your requirements, taste preferences, and structural and functional features.
You can see full list of services provided by our Templstock Team below:

Service * Terms ** Price
Basic website Design (PSD layout of homepage, one simple textpage and login/registration popups) 3 weeks $ 850
Additional Page/Section design (PSD layout) from 2 days per page $ 50
Logo Design 7 days $ 100
HTML Coding (Homepage and texpage with mobile adaptive) 10 days $ 150
Additional Page HTML coding from 2 days per page $ 40
Forum Design (PSD layouts: forum homepage, themes list and inside theme page) 2 weeks $ 450
CMS Integration template 1 week $ 300
Template Modifications *** 1 hour $ 40
* — Indicative terms of development. Can be increased after the final coordination of the technical assignment.
** — Indicative prices for services are indicated. Can be increased after the final technical assignment has been agreed.
*** — Means the completion of any template in our store, for example, changing the character in the header, adding a block, etc.
To make an order right now, please use any convenient contact below.